my blog is practically dead. but cant blame me :) cus my dad doesnt let my use th com on weekdays. one word: SIAN.
okay. let's talk about new year eve.
so cool laaa. went back to rulang. th only word i keep saying is OMG OMG OMG! everyone looks so different. went back wif yanning. we saw cai lao shi at th traffic light. den aft crossing th road, saw YIFEI AND DIGENE! their pants are DAMN long can? like below th knee. LOOKS DAMN GAY. hahahs. tat's so mean.
den saw JERMINE & FUFU! den th story carry ons. aft that, saw LITING AND GILDA! I WANNA HAV A BANUNU FIGHT WIF MOP! MOP VS BANUNU!
okay. skip one whole portion of th story. den went to jp wif abi, gildaa and daryl. ohya, daryl's hair is so COOL laaa. its like there are 2 STRANDS of CURLY hair. so funny laaa! & he has a CRUSH on abby laaa. he's just TOO "SHY" to admit. HEHE.
aft that abby had to go home so BYEBYE. den me and gildaa walked around jp and den went to je to take neos. I HAVENT TAKEN NEOS IN AGES laaa. taking neos is was so fun esp wif GILDAA th chiobu! ILOVEHER!
aft that went home had renunion dinner and life carries on....

this was what i wore on th 1st day.
woke up at 9.30. went visiting. alot of ANGPAO! :DD
abt 20 plus i think (((:
den my relatives came to my house at night. some of them came as SURPRISE VISIT. so cool laaa. including my maid and my family, dere were 24 ppl altogether! SO COOL RIGHT? okay. im getting LAME.

this was what i wore yesterday. i think i look like CATWOMAN. HAHAHA.
went to my 4 GU GU (i know u're gonna laugh at th GUGU) house for lunch. aft lunch we played BLACK JACK! i won $3 okay! den i took $2 from my mum for playing a GOOD game. LAME RIGHT? but at least i got free money(:
den i'll skip another part of th story.
den went to my 2 GUGU hse for dinner. played BLACK JACK AGAIN! capital:$4. played for like 3 hours. in th end won $2 only. i should have stopped when i had $12 laaa. GREEDY.
okay. going visiting again.