i've never been wholly perceived in reality. i'm still in my imagination of you and me. just us two..
oh boy, would you hold my hand and walk wtih me till the end of time?
would you sing the key of the song my heart is playing?
oh, you're my inspiration. you give me hopes. you give me dreams. you're my all.
oh, i need you. desperately.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! don't you ever feel like screaming out loud but you just can't? that's exactly how i feel every morning.
lalalas. i wanna go running with huey chyi the LAO auntie tmrw! don't know if she replied yet but oh well.
still trying to get over th fact of not playing with the sec 2s. hais. today when they played with th aussies, it felt kinda weird becus usually me and yile would be playing with them but we're not.
but,the aussies were so cool man! and their hair rocks laaa! they are so so so tall okay! haahah. then all you readers would be thinking, you very short meh? hahha. so BYL but they're really tall okay.
anyway, rewind all the way back to tuesday,
i shot six shots for cheeker and only the sixth one went in! ahhaha. i tell you, my shots are really becoming PANG SAI (nose's fave word of describing our shots) haha. it's really crappy. it's like today out of the don't know how many shots i shot, i think only one really near shot (i gave up that's why i stood do near) went in. it's like urgh! luckily court trng's not starting next week or else i'll be in deep trouble. ms puva is surely gonna kill me mans. ahhaha. BUT, the shot for c'div 08 went in! hahah.
okay laaa. th shot for c'div 09 went in today! hahaha.
fast forward to today, it was so fun bickering with the lao auntie! hahah. but she's really insulting like REALLY. so if you cant stand insults, don't insult her or you'll get it BIG time. she's really mean. but oh well, it was kinda fun.
and she cursed me for being last in my 2.4 km run tday! so mean right, but oh well, i wasn't last. but she insulted me for being 1 I REPEAT 1 second behind gail. so craps man. but im so proud of myself for not stopping/walking during the run. and surprising i didnt collaspe.
ohohohohoh, i need my daily dosage of..
the beautiful sunset..