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HELLO! ;D SPORTS DAY IS TMR! hahhaha, that laopok sharoooon is skipping it la. laopocky ;D running th 8 x 5om relay. ahhhha, don't even know who is running la. screw mans. (: only know that veh veh veh pro PEILYNN and yileee and me are running. hahaha, probably peggy is not even taking part cus there's only 3 of us. ohwell, hehheh. omg, think i'm getting a watch again! hahahahah, shall upload the pictureee later! ;D hahahha, and it's super hoooot cus it's yellow! (: still considering if i should get it sinceee i just got my green teeveee watch hahahha. but that watch is like YELLOW and dang niceee! ;D and yay! gail's bestflend's rebecca loveeees yellow! yay, YELLOW IS WAY WAY HOT! ;D cooliooo colour eh. unlike green (: and i think she's like crazier over YELLOW than meeee la. ahah, like who can beat me when she comes to craziness? hahahah, i bet CHRISTABEL is nodding her head profusely now hahhaha. hahaha, but ohkay, limegreen is niceeee. and it's a combination of YELLOW & GREEN./ the best of both worlds eh. hahaha, okay, slacked in school again today with many freee periods. went to vivo to play water after schoool and ahhaha, camwhored and candid-ed alot AGAIN. hahahah, shall upload the pictureees when i get them. ohwell, fun times with fun CLIQUE. and sadly, i'm returning ya tou's PSP tmr D; dang, no more DJ max and more sad lonely trips D; and hahah, GAIL! ;D what's that song on th JJ advertisement of his new album? i hatee to admit but that cheeenah chineseee song is niceeee. hahaha, so is that 'hei' song. hahaha, can't remember th title just like how i can't remember big heart(haha) 's namee. ahhaha (and it's in GREEEN just for you (: ) enough about all these crappy stuff, Goodnight! ;D -my heart is obliterated and i'll keep your love locked down- |
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Hellohello homeys! ;D ahhaha, at GAILY'S housee now and hugging her GREEN cushion! ;D (HAHA GREEN CUSHIONS ARE WAY WAY WAY COOL!) DANG, i wanted oneee too ohkay. from ikeaaa hehheh. not becus they're GREEN ohkay woman. hahahha, hahahah, and JIELI, if you're reading this : here's the blogskin, see if you like it (; http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=219571&action=Preview then i'll help you (i think or maybeee sharon) put it on (: i dont think it's really your styleee and afraid you might not like it but ohwell, look at th rest of this month's hahaha. all quiteee nicee la hehheh. okay, i think my results so far are really cool. okay hahah, LANG ARTS: A1 seh! ;D 1st in CLASS! ;DDDDD yay yay yay! (okay tons of peoplee are gonna bash me up for this ahhhaa0 MATHS: A1! ;D SCIENCE (physics & chem) : B3! (okay it may not be good for you but rocks for meeeee! (: ) CHINESE: A2! (for now, that's only paper 2) HISTORY: A1! ;D GEOG: B4 D; leaveee th worst for th last eh. heh, 1/2 moreee mark to B3! still looking for it (: i know there's a comment like aft every singleee gradeee but ohwell, i just haveee aloot of comments to makeee and yeah. ahhaha ;d LANG ARTS ROCKS! haha (: okay, sinyi's coming back tonight! yay ;D made a mistake and thought she'll be home ytd but ohwell, at lease she'll be back today eh? ahaha oh whatever, hopeee she doesn't comee back with a LAOPOCKY present like a koala beaar D; hehheh, but don't get me wrong okay, i want her to come back asap cus i've been missing thaat cheeeenahhhh air thief but the present makes me want her homee even quicker. hehhehheh ;D i know i type crap yeah whatever. hahaha, just know that NETBALL owns the world yeah! WE GOT 1ST IN THE INTER-CCA COMPETITION FOR BOTH 4 x 100M AND 4 x 400M! ;D claudiaaa, tonglei (xiao nicole) , eva and ho ching totally rocked the 4 x 100m owning the rest of the CCAs man! ;D esp tonglei (: TOTAL OWNAGE EH. (no offence) so dang happy and cheered like crazy mans. peilynn (my tongban ohkay!), lixuan, ethel and LOIS! (beany) totally owned the other CCAs in 4 x 400m too! cooooooooooooooooooooiiooooooooooooooooos eh. ;D hahhahah, was totally proud and them and loved netball mans! ahaha, okay more like the peopleee and the team but ohwell ;d geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (: okay, toodles! ;D loveya peopleeeeeee (((((; hahahah, okay leaving her housee soon hahahha (((((((((((((((((; and yay! yesterday's 9:00 detective show was coolio mans! too bad Yu Jie died. awwww D; heh okay shall go man, peace out ya'll! ;D okay, ya'll's a cool word eh (: hahahahhaaaa, dance like there's no tomorrow girl (: |
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OHYA! dang third post today. ohwell who cares. better than not posting and ahhaha yeah. just wanna post about JL and my new slogan! ;D JL: are you thinking what i'm thinking B1? ME: i think i am B2! Hahahha, VALERIE'S JEALOUS. ahahha, okay it's lameee whatever. hhaha, ooh yeah bananas in pyjamas (: they're yellow hhhhooot bananas ahhah (; okaaay bye folks. ♥live, laugh , loveeeee the laopok greeen (: |
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hahaha, I HATE CHRISTABEL MANS! ;D ah ah ah screw her mans! (: hahaha, totally contradicting cus i'm laughing 'ahahhaha' and ';D' but i'm saying that i hatee her. hahahah, okay theree i go again. hehheh ;D and i created a new word, "LAOPOKY!' hahaha, used to describeee peopleee like CHRISTABEL. and maybee VALERIE. ahhahaha, maybe it should be LAOPOCKY! HAHAHAH (: GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES ! ;D HAHAHAHA, and here's my PM mans, ♥ laopok valerieeee is at my houseee hahahah! ;D she said yay, hahahha, yeah, LAOPOK'S THE KEYWORD! ;D hahaha, totally trueee mans, and i expected a pokeee and i got it. dang , now's she hittting and poking, and my hand went to my stomach, trying to typeee with onee hand now. and tadah! she candid me! ;D screw her hahahaah (((: using UNO cards to block her BIG BULKY PHONEEE. hahahah, LAOPOCKY! ;DD AHAHHA, SOUNDS LIKE A OLD POCKY! HAHAHHA, YAY POCKY~ okay, i should totally stop talking to myself or in the LAOPOK CHINESE 'zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3' ohyeah my chineseeee rock hahah, and VALERIE YO! YOU'RE THE LAOPOK ONE! ;D HAHAHAH, shall go watch my 7.00 show now! ;D and yay! TSY's coming back to s'pore mans! ;D hahaha, hope she bought me a COOL PRESENT (not a koala bear hehheh) ahhaha, and sharon kew and sharon cheonggy too (: oooh yeah, 3 presents eh! ;DDDd ahahhahahah, yay yay yay. okay, whatever. bye pokees! ;d hear it play babe- |
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ooh ooh ooh yeah valerieee's at my houseee. hahahah, yeah, i know, the LAOPOK valerieeee. hahahha, and stupid hueychyi just came with her (hot cool) RED NEW BALANCE TEEEE! D; DANG HER MANS LIKE AH AH AH AH STUPID POKE! D; ahhahaha, valeriee's gonna poke me anytime now so i should beware eh. ahhaahha , ooh, i blocked, paramore style eh (: hahaha, valerieee's getting way weird. hahahah and so is my brooo. but for the FRUITIPS ;D (that val brought), i shall BEAR (painfully) with her weirdness! (: okay, went to jp just now to watch housee bunny with val/duadualiap!/HONGTAN! ;D the moviee timee was 3.30 and bought tickets (ahahha) at 3.27 (i think). AHHAHA, yeah i know it's super latee hahah whatever. ahhaha, housee bunny wasn't as comical/funny as i expected and at first th blonde was kinda stupid and dumb but turns out to be quite sentimental (cool word eh ahhaha) and had a deep meaning. hahaha, but the whole makeover was really cool and they turned out really hooot. hahaha, but bet they just changed th actors and stuff so ohwhatever, hahah. anyw i so wanna changeee this blogskin cus i found a really cool niceee oneee ;D although this onee isn't that bad and stuff cus it's like ooh SUPER HOOOOT YELLOW and the post font is really nicee but yeah, the other oneee is nicer. okay this is crappy whatever jsut skip this part ahahaha (: okay, i wanna post picturespicturespictures but I'M LAZY. dang, should seriously not becomeeee so lazy. hehheh, toodles till then (: remember, love the world and love yourself. |
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ooh, looked at my post and realised that i haven't posted for a seriously long timee. hahaha, and sydney whiteee is niceeee mans. go watch it! ;D this is part 1 (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7icoPuRbrqk&feature=related hahaha, enjoy! ;D and hahahah, to duckhead! ; YOUR PSP IS DANG FUN MAN! ;D DJ MAX ROCKS! (; AHAHAHAHAHAH! ;D okay, i forgot to post someee other picturees so ya, here they are! ;D ![]() went to sentosa on the last day of school and saw camp instructor hotstuff and elaine! ;D hahaha, sentosaaa is coolioooooooooo (; ![]() haahah, funny faces again (: ![]() yay! bananaaa at ice monster shop! it rocks eh, ice monster. ahhahaha, ate it on the day i went out with ying, val and duckhead (: see, bananas are nutritional eh (: hahaha, okay, watching just my luck now (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgBUwK1uTPw&feature=related go watch it if you can eh. peace out yo! ;D i do it Paramore style (: lubdubdub ;D ___________________________________________________________________ |
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aahhaahahaha, go look at the funny convo at http://weetards-forever.blogspot.com/ and SPAM! ;D even though you don't know who she is (: |
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HELLO! ;D SPORTS DAY IS TMR! hahhaha, that laopok sharoooon is skipping it la. laopocky ;D running th 8 x 5om relay. ahhhha, don't even know who is running la. screw mans. (: only know that veh veh veh pro PEILYNN and yileee and me are running. hahaha, probably peggy is not even taking part cus there's only 3 of us. ohwell, hehheh. omg, think i'm getting a watch again! hahahahah, shall upload the pictureee later! ;D hahahha, and it's super hoooot cus it's yellow! (: still considering if i should get it sinceee i just got my green teeveee watch hahahha. but that watch is like YELLOW and dang niceee! ;D and yay! gail's bestflend's rebecca loveeees yellow! yay, YELLOW IS WAY WAY HOT! ;D cooliooo colour eh. unlike green (: and i think she's like crazier over YELLOW than meeee la. ahah, like who can beat me when she comes to craziness? hahahah, i bet CHRISTABEL is nodding her head profusely now hahhaha. hahaha, but ohkay, limegreen is niceeee. and it's a combination of YELLOW & GREEN./ the best of both worlds eh. hahaha, okay, slacked in school again today with many freee periods. went to vivo to play water after schoool and ahhaha, camwhored and candid-ed alot AGAIN. hahahah, shall upload the pictureees when i get them. ohwell, fun times with fun CLIQUE. and sadly, i'm returning ya tou's PSP tmr D; dang, no more DJ max and more sad lonely trips D; and hahah, GAIL! ;D what's that song on th JJ advertisement of his new album? i hatee to admit but that cheeenah chineseee song is niceeee. hahaha, so is that 'hei' song. hahaha, can't remember th title just like how i can't remember big heart(haha) 's namee. ahhaha (and it's in GREEEN just for you (: ) enough about all these crappy stuff, Goodnight! ;D -my heart is obliterated and i'll keep your love locked down- |
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Hellohello homeys! ;D ahhaha, at GAILY'S housee now and hugging her GREEN cushion! ;D (HAHA GREEN CUSHIONS ARE WAY WAY WAY COOL!) DANG, i wanted oneee too ohkay. from ikeaaa hehheh. not becus they're GREEN ohkay woman. hahahha, hahahah, and JIELI, if you're reading this : here's the blogskin, see if you like it (; http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=219571&action=Preview then i'll help you (i think or maybeee sharon) put it on (: i dont think it's really your styleee and afraid you might not like it but ohwell, look at th rest of this month's hahaha. all quiteee nicee la hehheh. okay, i think my results so far are really cool. okay hahah, LANG ARTS: A1 seh! ;D 1st in CLASS! ;DDDDD yay yay yay! (okay tons of peoplee are gonna bash me up for this ahhhaa0 MATHS: A1! ;D SCIENCE (physics & chem) : B3! (okay it may not be good for you but rocks for meeeee! (: ) CHINESE: A2! (for now, that's only paper 2) HISTORY: A1! ;D GEOG: B4 D; leaveee th worst for th last eh. heh, 1/2 moreee mark to B3! still looking for it (: i know there's a comment like aft every singleee gradeee but ohwell, i just haveee aloot of comments to makeee and yeah. ahhaha ;d LANG ARTS ROCKS! haha (: okay, sinyi's coming back tonight! yay ;D made a mistake and thought she'll be home ytd but ohwell, at lease she'll be back today eh? ahaha oh whatever, hopeee she doesn't comee back with a LAOPOCKY present like a koala beaar D; hehheh, but don't get me wrong okay, i want her to come back asap cus i've been missing thaat cheeeenahhhh air thief but the present makes me want her homee even quicker. hehhehheh ;D i know i type crap yeah whatever. hahaha, just know that NETBALL owns the world yeah! WE GOT 1ST IN THE INTER-CCA COMPETITION FOR BOTH 4 x 100M AND 4 x 400M! ;D claudiaaa, tonglei (xiao nicole) , eva and ho ching totally rocked the 4 x 100m owning the rest of the CCAs man! ;D esp tonglei (: TOTAL OWNAGE EH. (no offence) so dang happy and cheered like crazy mans. peilynn (my tongban ohkay!), lixuan, ethel and LOIS! (beany) totally owned the other CCAs in 4 x 400m too! cooooooooooooooooooooiiooooooooooooooooos eh. ;D hahhahah, was totally proud and them and loved netball mans! ahaha, okay more like the peopleee and the team but ohwell ;d geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (: okay, toodles! ;D loveya peopleeeeeee (((((; hahahah, okay leaving her housee soon hahahha (((((((((((((((((; and yay! yesterday's 9:00 detective show was coolio mans! too bad Yu Jie died. awwww D; heh okay shall go man, peace out ya'll! ;D okay, ya'll's a cool word eh (: hahahahhaaaa, dance like there's no tomorrow girl (: |
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OHYA! dang third post today. ohwell who cares. better than not posting and ahhaha yeah. just wanna post about JL and my new slogan! ;D JL: are you thinking what i'm thinking B1? ME: i think i am B2! Hahahha, VALERIE'S JEALOUS. ahahha, okay it's lameee whatever. hhaha, ooh yeah bananas in pyjamas (: they're yellow hhhhooot bananas ahhah (; okaaay bye folks. ♥live, laugh , loveeeee the laopok greeen (: |
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hahaha, I HATE CHRISTABEL MANS! ;D ah ah ah screw her mans! (: hahaha, totally contradicting cus i'm laughing 'ahahhaha' and ';D' but i'm saying that i hatee her. hahahah, okay theree i go again. hehheh ;D and i created a new word, "LAOPOKY!' hahaha, used to describeee peopleee like CHRISTABEL. and maybee VALERIE. ahhahaha, maybe it should be LAOPOCKY! HAHAHAH (: GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES ! ;D HAHAHAHA, and here's my PM mans, ♥ laopok valerieeee is at my houseee hahahah! ;D she said yay, hahahha, yeah, LAOPOK'S THE KEYWORD! ;D hahaha, totally trueee mans, and i expected a pokeee and i got it. dang , now's she hittting and poking, and my hand went to my stomach, trying to typeee with onee hand now. and tadah! she candid me! ;D screw her hahahaah (((: using UNO cards to block her BIG BULKY PHONEEE. hahahah, LAOPOCKY! ;DD AHAHHA, SOUNDS LIKE A OLD POCKY! HAHAHHA, YAY POCKY~ okay, i should totally stop talking to myself or in the LAOPOK CHINESE 'zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3' ohyeah my chineseeee rock hahah, and VALERIE YO! YOU'RE THE LAOPOK ONE! ;D HAHAHAH, shall go watch my 7.00 show now! ;D and yay! TSY's coming back to s'pore mans! ;D hahaha, hope she bought me a COOL PRESENT (not a koala bear hehheh) ahhaha, and sharon kew and sharon cheonggy too (: oooh yeah, 3 presents eh! ;DDDd ahahhahahah, yay yay yay. okay, whatever. bye pokees! ;d hear it play babe- |
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ooh ooh ooh yeah valerieee's at my houseee. hahahah, yeah, i know, the LAOPOK valerieeee. hahahha, and stupid hueychyi just came with her (hot cool) RED NEW BALANCE TEEEE! D; DANG HER MANS LIKE AH AH AH AH STUPID POKE! D; ahhahaha, valeriee's gonna poke me anytime now so i should beware eh. ahhaahha , ooh, i blocked, paramore style eh (: hahaha, valerieee's getting way weird. hahahah and so is my brooo. but for the FRUITIPS ;D (that val brought), i shall BEAR (painfully) with her weirdness! (: okay, went to jp just now to watch housee bunny with val/duadualiap!/HONGTAN! ;D the moviee timee was 3.30 and bought tickets (ahahha) at 3.27 (i think). AHHAHA, yeah i know it's super latee hahah whatever. ahhaha, housee bunny wasn't as comical/funny as i expected and at first th blonde was kinda stupid and dumb but turns out to be quite sentimental (cool word eh ahhaha) and had a deep meaning. hahaha, but the whole makeover was really cool and they turned out really hooot. hahaha, but bet they just changed th actors and stuff so ohwhatever, hahah. anyw i so wanna changeee this blogskin cus i found a really cool niceee oneee ;D although this onee isn't that bad and stuff cus it's like ooh SUPER HOOOOT YELLOW and the post font is really nicee but yeah, the other oneee is nicer. okay this is crappy whatever jsut skip this part ahahaha (: okay, i wanna post picturespicturespictures but I'M LAZY. dang, should seriously not becomeeee so lazy. hehheh, toodles till then (: remember, love the world and love yourself. |
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ooh, looked at my post and realised that i haven't posted for a seriously long timee. hahaha, and sydney whiteee is niceeee mans. go watch it! ;D this is part 1 (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7icoPuRbrqk&feature=related hahaha, enjoy! ;D and hahahah, to duckhead! ; YOUR PSP IS DANG FUN MAN! ;D DJ MAX ROCKS! (; AHAHAHAHAHAH! ;D okay, i forgot to post someee other picturees so ya, here they are! ;D ![]() went to sentosa on the last day of school and saw camp instructor hotstuff and elaine! ;D hahaha, sentosaaa is coolioooooooooo (; ![]() haahah, funny faces again (: ![]() yay! bananaaa at ice monster shop! it rocks eh, ice monster. ahhahaha, ate it on the day i went out with ying, val and duckhead (: see, bananas are nutritional eh (: hahaha, okay, watching just my luck now (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgBUwK1uTPw&feature=related go watch it if you can eh. peace out yo! ;D i do it Paramore style (: lubdubdub ;D ___________________________________________________________________ |
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aahhaahahaha, go look at the funny convo at http://weetards-forever.blogspot.com/ and SPAM! ;D even though you don't know who she is (: |
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