hahaha, and sydney whiteee is niceeee mans.
go watch it! ;D
this is part 1 (:
hahaha, enjoy! ;D
and hahahah,
to duckhead! ; YOUR PSP IS DANG FUN MAN! ;D DJ MAX ROCKS! (;
okay, i forgot to post someee other picturees so ya, here they are! ;D

went to sentosa on the last day of school and
saw camp instructor hotstuff and elaine! ;D
hahaha, sentosaaa is coolioooooooooo (;
haahah, funny faces again (:
bananaaa at ice monster shop!
it rocks eh, ice monster.
ahhahaha, ate it on the day i went out with ying, val and duckhead (:
bananas are nutritional eh (:
hahaha, okay,
watching just my luck now (:
go watch it if you can eh.
peace out yo! ;D
i do it Paramore style (:
lubdubdub ;D