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Hello peeeoplee! ;D shall blog beforeee i leave s'pore. hehheh. GOING TO BINTAN CLUBMET TMR! ;D hahahha, yay ;D miss me eh ((; hahahah, okay, and, I WANT MY ANKLE GUARDS! ;D hahahha, those twoo little cool thangs (; since i won't be going to trng, i can only get it next fridayy D; aw man. heh, oh well. and not getting either of the LG phones anymoree i think D; cus steph says LG phonees suck. so ohwell, but viewty is like dang nicee la so aw man D; probably getting kirsten's phone which is Samsung SGH-F480. hehheh, or maybe Samsung OMNIA if my daddy is niceee? but highly impossible. hahhaha ;D and chris' mum has it la! like &%*#$&*! GO CHEWWW BANANAS man. hehheh ;D just watched the nyonya show and ou xuan (Juxiang) is so pitiful mans. totally pity her D; she's like so prettaye but she's deaf and mute so the parents' of many guys don't let them marry her D; then now she's stuck with this JKB. like seriously, that's guy's a JKB! ARGH, stupid guy. ahahha, bet tsy's thinking: " there she goes again critisicing the people in the show ahah." (just that she'll say it in laopocker english heh. ohwell, gotta go bathe and pack for my trip (hehheh just like chris) so seeeeyaaaaa till next wed. missssss yaaa loadds peoplee so yeah. BYE! ((; |
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OKAY, comparing my dedication to chris with gail's , mine seems laopok. DANG. shall type another one aft my bath! byeee! ;d |
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SARAH GOH HUIXIAN IS COMING TO MY MY MY MY HOUSEEE! ;D YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! ;D YAY YAY YAY YAY! ;D omg i'm so happpppppppppppyyyyyyyyyy mans! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((; i was like telling SINYI i'm so happy i'm gonnaaaaaa blog! ;DDD |
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i hate life, i hate myself, i hate everything around me. just take me away. the world would be a better place. |
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yoyoyoyoyoyoyo peeps! haha, finally back to blogging after like a week? anyw, last week was dang fun mans! (though veh tiring) i'm like gonna talk about everyday so it's gonna be a dang long post. be prepared eh (; WEDNESDAY went to Tanglin Trust to play a match with them. CLIMAX: saw small american boys that looked super the duperly CUTE! ;D then while we were walking to the netball court, me and gaily saw this omg omg omg effing gorgeous AMERICAN guy! both of us were just like walking past him and glanced at him just like this normal person but immediately turned back to cast another look at him! he is super super handsome and cute and he's blonde! nicee hair like alex evans! omg omg omg, we're still going ga-ga over him until now ;D hahaha, American guys= love (+ hot) then we went to the indoor court to play and it was super cool! (and cold) ;D they had 2 teams so we played the 1st team for 2 quarters and won 15-11 but lost the 2nd team to idontknowwhatscore. but the GK was like 16?s so the 2nd team was probably older than us. tsy and christabel cameee to my housee after that for sleepover! super fun yea! SLEEPOVERs also = LOVEE but hot guys are lovely-er hahah ((; we had like tidbits immediately after dinner while playing STRESS and while watching my 9 o clock show with my guy! hahahahaha, fun fun fun! (; Chris won tsy, me and chris tied after a veh long time and I won tsy (; ahhaha, then we bathed and watched the 11 0 clock show (hahaha) and took tons of pictures in MY peeeeejays after that! elaborate moree in the next post of the 40++ pictures! ;D slept at like 2 AM and woke up at 7.30 AM the next day. THURSDAY START OF NETBALL CAMP (W/O SLEEPOVER) only had 5 hours of sleep yea! from last night's sleepover WALKED to Jurong West Sports Stadium (hahaha yay!) and had a match with North Vista! see the super cool postitions 1st quarter: GS 2nd quarter: GS 3rd quarter: reserve 4th quarter: WA! (omg super sudden man!) 5th quarter: WA! (again!) but WA is super fun man! I wanna play wing again! 6th quarter: GA! (quite sudden too. but now i loveee WA!) Hahaha, then bus-ed mrt-ed bus-ed back to school and didn't train cus it was raining! (thanks rain) went thru netball rules and then went lot1 with gail, chris and tsy! wanted to buy a pair of pumps but stupid feet la! so big, can't fit into size 10 D; FRIDAY played Paya Lebar Methodist early in the morning and we won ;D wanted to play WA the whole timee bt that Gail la! stole my postion D; (see the contrast? haah) went back to school, ate lunch & practised mk's farewell item after that. THANKS to the rain again, we had NO trng! yay ;D unfortunately NZCCS has indoor netball courts so we cabbed there to play (another) match but all of us were not in the mood to play. we all felt like sleeping. but the school is effing cool and air-con in the netball court is super cold. went there and started the match immediately w/o much warm-up and started the match terribly. they were like so tall (like my height or taller) , so pro and so fast. we got beaten badly but ohwell, they're like super pro mans. ohwell, mrt-ed from tp mrt back to bl, reaching home at 9. was dang tired. okay, i shall blog about Sat and Sun later. hehheh ;D |
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![]() dearly. Hello peeeoplee! i shall blog after not blogging for years. hahah yeah ;D TODAY went to IMM with Dadddy to get my DVD player. hehheh, compared tons of them and saw loads of superr cool teeevees and speakers! bought a Philips onee in the end that can play music, videos and pictures from a memory stick, has the Karaoke function and can rip music ! ;D cool eh. hahha, daddy said he wanted to convert one of th rooms to a "Movie Room"! ;D it would have like the Home Theatre System speakers and the cool telly and Dvd player! (; cool or what! hahahha, then went to eat SUBWAY, (he paid) and then went to ABC to buy LOADS of snacks for tmr's sleepover. Hehhehheh ((; Daddy also saw another phone LG KF700 that's veh similar to Secret and Viewty. it's really cool with the shortcut button and has a keypad. but now that i've narrowed th choices down to LG KF700 and Viewty, (cus the Sony Ericsson one was just cus it looked quite nicee and Secret is ugly. even Daddy said it looks weird ;D ) i can't decide between th two! LG KF700 (http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_kf700-2245.php) has both keypad (so i can msg in class w/o looking at th keypad) & touchscreen messaging but it only has a 3 MP cameraa! like DANG! LG Viewty (http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_ku990_viewty-2070.php) on the otherhand has only touchscreen messaging but has a 5 MP cam! so how how how? been contemplating over this issue for like half a day mans. hehheh. ;D tag at my tagboard to comment over th issue. hahahaaa, and saw this niceeee NIKE bag. heh, Dad: it's too long for you. Me: I'm veh long anyw. hahaha *grins from ear to ear*. but chris agree totally. hahahah ;d ohwell, match at Tanglin Trust tmr hehheh, think i'm eating sandwiches tmr for lunch! Hahahahahah ;D and maybe chris's coming over to make sandwiches! Hhahahaa, been laughing over it just now for veh long (((; think making sandwiches sounds veh funny hehheh ;D hehheh, then went around asking netballers like peilynn if she wants sandwiches hahahah (((; Hahahhha, talking to tsy now and dang, suddenly feel like playing Centerrrr. Hahahaha, then Sinyi's was like "COME LA!" hahaha, then she was like "actually dont want la! the GK surely veh tall and i'll be veh short besideee her! hahahha" superrr cute la that SHORTAYE. but neh, don't wanna play center, I WANT TO PLAY WITH MY TONGBAN. hahahah/. be touched man girlfriend ;D ahahhaha, she just relayed someee message to her brooo. super cuteee la hahahha. and omg, her bro is so weird mans! (P.S. it's genetic and runs in th family cus SINYI'S A WEIRDO too!) but hahahha, veh funny. hahahha. okay, it's 10.36 now so bye lovelys! ((; |
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SCHOOL'S OUT YEAH! scream and shout! ;D hahahha, oyea, uhhuh *does hand rotating movement* AND I GOT A GPA of 3.5! ;D (again) oyea, uhhuh *does hand rotating movement* hahaha, pro right? *blinks eyes* ((: was totally shocked and jumped up and down in class ike a weirdo! ;D hahaha, yeah. coolio eh! and guess what? i think i'm either gonna get LG Secret or Viewty! ;D yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ;D ahhaha, or maybe Sony Ericssson 902! ;D it loooks really cool man (: and Viewty's hooot too. but only afraid it would be hard to message with touch screen while LG Secret has a keypad so it would be easier to msg. but Secret's kindaaa ugly. hehheh. ohwell, i don't mind any of th 3 mans! ;D or maybeeee iPHONNEEE? ;D AHHAHAH! in my dreams yeah! D; and think i'm getting YELLOW & GREEN flipflops with SINYI tmr! ;D yipeeeeeeeeeee! ;D you know thoseee type of Brazilian ones that Havainas sells? with the Green soleee and the Yellow straps? yeah, it's dang niceee and i'm getting th cheap ones at Minitoons! ;D hahahaha, like to get cheap stuff these days like cheap watchs and slippers so i can keeep changing when i seee new designs and fall in loveeee with it ;D hahahah, and slippers can dirty easily so yea. ahahah ((: i think i'm getting moreee bags this hols too! ;D 1. DUFFLE BAG! ;D (hahaha) 2. BAGPACK with Bestflenny! 3. HANDBAG! (hopefully a NUM onee ;D ) 4. Bagpack for next year! (maybe ying's black oneee!) ahhahah, happy happy ;D getting lotsaa of things man (; but there's like trng 5 TIMES next week. weirdo eh? Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. hahah, but the last 3 days are non- stayovernight camps so ya. and think th team's sleeping over on wed! ;D most probably going to MS PUVA'S houseee on saturday too! ;D beforeee heading to MS Loo's housee for Mrs Khoo's fareewell. so gonna miss her mans D; she's totally like one of the nicest teachers in RV D; okay, bye peeps! ;D Peace out yo! ((; |
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Forgive Me- Leona Lewis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nF3H2Buv79A th video's cool ((; she looks pretty inside. veh hip hop style ;DD hahahha, too bad can't get the code for the video D; and her voice's like super strong mans coolio ;D hahaha, okay, shall talk about yesterday since today's boring ;D had SPORTS DAY (; won GOLD for 8 x 50m relay! ;D hahaha, pro eh (; but was alr first when i got the baton so yeah, hahaha. was practically striding th whole way cus i know i ain't got speed. hahaha, so it wasn't that tiring and only 5om hahaha, sports day wasn't as boring as i expected, cus the runs were thrilling esp with peopleee to cheer for like NETBALLERS and peggy peoplee. and it was like th OLYMPICS, just that it was on a smaller scaleee and we CANNOT be compared with OLYMPIC runners. they're weirdooos and WE'RE normally peopleee. (heard that christabel & GAIL? HAHHAA.) haha, but like gail, whenever there was a netballer running, i would cheer for them even though they're from th other housee and not th peggy peopleee. heh, and the poeplee infront of me would turn back and staree at me. haha, but ohwell, can't blameee me eh. NETBALLERS ARE COOLIOS! ;D hahaha, and peilynn and I were like saying peggy would die if Darren Tian wasn't in our housee. hahaha, cus during th prize presentation, everytimee there was a guys event that athletics peoplee could participate in, and peggy won, we would look up immediately and OBVIOUSLY, Darren Tian would be thereee. hahah, then we're look at each other and say: " Darren Tian" hahaha, in the toneee like "oh, it's him AGAIN.' and we would be like he's really OH MY TIAN man. hahah, he would totally own every singleee run la. needless to say hahaha. okay, trng was cancelled! ;D YAY! so went to queens to find clique minus sharon ((: bought PORATABLE burger (LOL) haha and they all went to my housee! ;D okay the stupid 99 was dang long, hahha. made milo dino for them and think they loved it ;D hahaha, then went UPSTAIRS to th top floor with tons of food and cans of drinks (: (LOOK HERE TSY!) so ying & jun played the com while me, val, MOUSY (HAHAH) and JL played black jack, tai3 di3 and taxes smth (game that JL taught us) ;D super fun man! and me and val would play STRESS in the intervals aft every game when they were shuffling and dealing the cards. hahah, then we'll scream, shout & go crazy everytimeee we stressed! ahhhahh super the duperly fun. DUA DUA LIAPS are coolios eh! (((; ahaha, jun and JL went aft that and I took over JL'S deck of cards and carried on texas smth with mousy. hahaha, that game's like snap just adding some more conditions. and i helped JL mans! played until i has almost th whole deck of cards with mousy left with only 6-7 cards! yay (: pro eh ;D then we played com, took pictureees at the balcony and went up again to play tai3 di3 and cheat hahah ;D cheat is dang fun man ((: so ying, mousy and val stayed for dinner and left aft that D; GOING TO ESCAPE ON MONDAY WITH CLIQUE! ;D yay! (: but havee trng so dang. but ohwell, meeting them aft that ;D ohwell, Goodnight homeys! (: haha, bestflenny's word ;D -make me laugh, make me cry |