Hello peeeoplee!
i shall blog after not blogging for years. hahah yeah ;D
went to IMM with Dadddy to get my DVD player.
compared tons of them and saw loads of superr cool teeevees and speakers!
bought a Philips onee in the end that can play music, videos and pictures from a memory stick, has the Karaoke function and can rip music ! ;D
cool eh.
hahha, daddy said he wanted to convert one of th rooms to a "Movie Room"! ;D
it would have like the Home Theatre System speakers and the cool telly and Dvd player! (;
cool or what!
then went to eat SUBWAY, (he paid)
and then went to ABC to buy LOADS of snacks for tmr's sleepover. Hehhehheh ((;
Daddy also saw another phone LG KF700 that's veh similar to Secret and Viewty.
it's really cool with the shortcut button and has a keypad.
but now that i've narrowed th choices down to LG KF700 and Viewty,
(cus the Sony Ericsson one was just cus it looked quite nicee and Secret is ugly.
even Daddy said it looks weird ;D )
i can't decide between th two!
LG KF700 (http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_kf700-2245.php)
has both keypad (so i can msg in class w/o looking at th keypad) & touchscreen messaging but it only has a 3 MP cameraa!
like DANG!
LG Viewty (http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_ku990_viewty-2070.php)
on the otherhand has only touchscreen messaging but has a 5 MP cam!
so how how how?
been contemplating over this issue for like half a day mans.
hehheh. ;D tag at my tagboard to comment over th issue.
hahahaaa, and saw this niceeee NIKE bag. heh, Dad: it's too long for you. Me: I'm veh long anyw. hahaha *grins from ear to ear*. but chris agree totally. hahahah ;d
match at Tanglin Trust tmr hehheh,
think i'm eating sandwiches tmr for lunch! Hahahahahah ;D and maybe chris's coming over to make sandwiches! Hhahahaa, been laughing over it just now for veh long (((; think making sandwiches sounds veh funny hehheh ;D hehheh, then went around asking netballers like peilynn if she wants sandwiches hahahah (((;
talking to tsy now and dang, suddenly feel like playing Centerrrr.
Hahahaha, then Sinyi's was like "COME LA!" hahaha, then she was like "actually dont want la! the GK surely veh tall and i'll be veh short besideee her! hahahha" superrr cute la that SHORTAYE. but neh, don't wanna play center, I WANT TO PLAY WITH MY TONGBAN. hahahah/. be touched man girlfriend ;D
ahahhaha, she just relayed someee message to her brooo. super cuteee la hahahha. and omg, her bro is so weird mans! (P.S. it's genetic and runs in th family cus SINYI'S A WEIRDO too!) but hahahha, veh funny. hahahha.
okay, it's 10.36 now so bye lovelys! ((;