okay, yea i bought lotsa tees recently but all informal types that are no suitable for new year D;
okay there's a lot to blog about so i'm gonna summariseeeeee (: (so you won't get bored although my blog's freaking dead cum boring)
went to the golf fair with daddy at henderson which is near bukit merah?
some warehouse sale. thought i'll totally get super bored cus like golf apparels are like (weird) but turned out totally opposite! ;D
the things theree were seriously super cheap!
like 2 bucks for a bottle,
5 bucks for a (yellow! + black) shoebag,
10 bucks for a BADMINTON BAG &
5 bucks for 3 pairs of socks?!
ahhaha, unbelievable sale man hahahhaha.
bought 2 teees (roxy + ionsdale?) which were counted super cheap cus 19 bucks for a ROXY tee and 7.50 for a teee is seriously coool (:
a grey tank which also cost 7.50 (the tee + tank were 2 for 15)
& 6 pairs of socks. ahahha ;D
yea i'm crazy whatever.
and the guy salepeople there were superrrr shuai i swear!
there's this super cutee guy & this super tall guy!
leon and jonathan (the drummer) which are from rv were also working there!
i was totally shocked when i walked in and saw them!
jonathan's friend (i think) was superrrrrrr JKB.
shall not elaborateeeee. ask gaillll if you wanna know the details eh hahahah ;D
so yea,
then went to Great World City to collect my samsung bluetooth headset and look at my adidas jacket.
sadly there still wasn't my size and the guy asked us to try ngee ann's adidas outlet but daddy said it was too far.
maybe he's gonna call them to check so yea.
like me and tansinyi travelled half the world to find that colour!
(ahahaha maybe not that exaggerated but if you count going to cck from boonlay and back to boonlay and to imm and then back to boonlay travelling half than world then yea. hahaha.)
everywhere had the grey one but not the brown or even the black one!
then the saleslady at jp asked me to try th royal sporting house at imm so yea,
totally fell onto my knees laughing like some crazy person cus i was totally overjoyed hahahha.
cool eh, like worshipping someone.
but i still wanted the 10% discount so had to find 10 cents to make 80 bucks!
hahaha, totally called my dad + bro to ask if they wanted anything and finally my bro said he wanted socks.
so when i went to the cashier they said it was a promo item so it can't be counted like danggggg.
so was so desperate that i had to ask her if i could just pay her th 10 cents!
so bought pink + black laces in the end. don't regret eh.
after that went to chris' house to sleeepover!
okay her houseee is seriously NOTNOTNOT suitable for dieting.
and that's not all, her table has super cool m&ms and more!
ate like hell. ahhaha, glutton renuion eh. hahaah ;d
right sinyi?
shall just copy th stuff on chris' blog and ate in comment in red ;d
Nicole bought an (ugly) nike new bag and she's gayyyyyyyyyyy.
nic: you'reeeeee just jealous cus it's NIKEEEEEEEEE.
SINYI: AND I COULD HAVE GOTTEN A BLUEEEE PINGPONG BALL=30% OFF WHEREAS LAOPOK NIC ONLY GOT A WHITE PINGPONG BALL=10% OFF. BLEH. DONT LET NIC USE :P (c'mon la i got 20% the first time but that laopok goueee [okay dont know how to spell read it out to make sense] got stuck to my hand)
(They typed this not my style of writing hahahahahahah :P)
Nicole is screaminggggggggg like shitzxc and she just broke my laptop!! (i didnt break it ohkay hahaha. just some malfunction ahhaha)(they're invading my house) But i'm super kind im going to forgive her cause she brought the PEEJAYS ;D hahaha tsy and me are going gaaagaaa over kelvin cheng!! He's frigging HOTHOTHOT!!
(sinyi's typing) hahha hotter than chris bro. hahahaha oh that laopok nic and gail doesn't agree they are still crazy over some hot american guys . (ofcourse american guys are like [gail's style' thEE best! high five gaily! ;D hahah gail leeeee (((: ) hahaha. (CHRISTABEL HERE NO ALL THREE OF THEM WERE LIKE SCREAMING OVER MY BRO'S PICTURES AND THEY DEMANDED HIS EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBER AND THEY SAID 'WE LOVE YOU' TO HIM ON MSN!! they're mentally disabled believe me.) (hahhaha c'mon it's rare to see hot guys like srsly. and somemore it's absolutely possible to know him. and live in the same house and him ahhaha don't think sick ohkay i didn't say anything! ahahha)
no llor! if you see his pic you'll believe meeeeee (((((((((: (NIC)
yay i love nicccccccccccccccccccccccccc;D
nic is thick skinned she typed this herself. (no lor i don't even rmb typing that, probably she typed that cus she loveeees me tooo much haha)
okay back to viewing more hot guys update next time :D (and yea, we totally viewed hoooooot guys like crazy and high five gail to almost all the guys + anti-asian guys and high five chris to ALEX EVAAAAAANS. ahhaha go away sinyi ahhaha no la, i'll forgive you for pei-ing me to buy the bagggggg hahah yay
ps. gail is obsessssed over CHACE CRAWFORD. yea, he's hooooooooot.)
ah okay it's superrr messy whatever.
enough blogging for today and it's like miraculous that i'm even bloggging so yea hahaha be thankful you're reading this boringggg stuff.
and going lot1 tmr for dinner so i can shop at cotton on.
hahaha, think i'm totally wearing tanks everyday for newyear this year hahah.
and tryinggg to persuade my dad to eat newyorknewyork tmr ((((;
and sucks everyone got virus and their msn is sending me this stupid url
sucks yo oh whatever.
and be patient gaily and chris (& tsy?) for the top dont-know-how-many hott guys list! ;D
bet it'll be atleast like 15 or 20 cus i've been going gaga over american guys since like forever?
so yea pictures of sleepover & bintan trip should be up soon hahaha.
my soon means weeks ( or months) so yea, happy waiting! ;D
loveya peeeeeeeeps so byeeeeeeee ;D
Friday, December 19, 2008
It was only a kiss, It was only a kiss <33333
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