ehyo people,
not _ _ _ _ _ TIGERS okay.
and many people who i asked if they like tigers say im really random (: haha. whatever lor. there is a purpose. just that i shall confine it between this four walls. and MADELINE. haha. shall say your name fo th first time in my post.
im feeling so sian and all my talking buddies are either not reachable or i dont feel like talking to them. oh well. whatever.
actually i dont even feel like blogging but to prevent some people from saying my blog is dead ( actually it IS alrdy dead) but whatever.
* im using alot of whatevers cus i dont bother typing too much :]
anyway, let me recall what happened ytd.
haha. okay.
the morning was really fun. saw yanning. then we went to find twin. ahha. then i gave her the TAM TAM ( its a cracker) since she was really hungry and lethargic (haha. showing off of vocab) den showed her the photo i took of th cloud. its really nice okay. cheek said so too (:
then she was like trying to throw th tam tam into my mouth and it totally flew sideways and one hit my nose i think. haha. MCNOSE. then i started throwing back and her. haha and yanning tried to throw one near one into my mouth and it cant even go in.
it was really fun.
and i bet i totally brigthened up twin's day. haha.
i bet she's thinking that i think too highly of myself. ahah. x]
i know her too well man. haha.
then she'll think i think too highly of myself AGAIN.
den went upstairs so class to chiong hw and rap.
haha. our rap was good considering it was totally a last minute attempt.
sorry that im not a civil citizen or whatever adjective to describe it, all you elit or potential elit students help my think of an adjective, but i thought of the rap during national anthem. my mind always drifts off during national anthem.
haha. aft we completed out rap, yanning wrote a rap/poem/cheer abt me. haha. you wouldn't wanna know th content mans. it's so JKB. haha.
den the day passed by like always and then trng!
haha. new zealanders came and we had no trng! yipee!
haha. was totally rejoicing when i heard that piece of news during recess x]
i knew you think im a slacker but oh well, had no mood ytd. even mrs khoo came over to ask me if i was okay;
we played our first quarter as c'div 09 ytd! haha.
sian sian sian. then went to je and ate my choc waffle :]
and then talked with gail outside some ah lun/ ya kun toast store for abt 45 mins b4 we went home. stupid right? aft that we were laughing at our stupidity of not going to th kopitiam to eat. haha.
and sorry MR BEAN.
wonder when is th next time we can go home today man.
and hope you like the YELLOW banana skin ( okay i know obviously it's yellow but to zi wo console, there's bananas with green skin okay!) and my letter.
WOW, the post is actually quite long yo.
okay. moving back to thurs,
nothing much,
in the morning, cheek totally ate ALL i repeat ALL my pocky mans. what a greedy pig man. (although i so called did bring it for her as i know she loves pocky) i bet she's thinking im a stalker :] i shall not say abt her animal features. ahha.
den life went on,
cant remember much. aft all, i do have stml.
i just remember that i am starting to love history yo!
and and and,
geog remedial was fun.
and and and and and,
the chuan shui meeting was so fun! i totally wet myself and my legs were like really itchy too so i totally wasted so much water wetting myself! haha. but oh well, i do love getting wet. :]
i love poety. lalalas. will post th poems i wrote one day. although i think they're crappy. and i wanna some peopls's blog URL. MADELINE KOH er let me think JIA ZHEN, yes. YOU BETTER GIVE IT TO YOU.
I DEMAND FOR IT, I DEMAND! haha. recently, i've been acting like hitler so mind me. and this yellow is making my find difficulty writing mans. but YELLOW IS HOT! :]]
ahhh dont feel like posting alrdy.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee humans/ aliens.
i shall shoutout to some people.
twin! hello! go watch perfect man!
meredith! hapy birthday! x]
hmmm lets see, madeline! gui gui sui sui!
im bored.