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dont walk ahead of me, dont walk behind me, take my hand and walk along with me. ITS IN YELLOW. THE SUPER UBER HOT COLOUR! x] and super duper clean too! eh hello. twinnehs rock yo! yay, 4 goals TOGETHER. t-love. haha. ahhhh! midyears coming man. how? i havent started revising and im still on com blogging. ahah, but everyone needs a break right? haha, zi wo an wei. haha. then jieli and yile will say i checked the dictionary to find the word. haha. not lor! my chinese is BAD but it isn't THAT BAD okay. hurrrr! shen me yi si ma! haha. anyway, today CID rocked man. haha, CID didn't actually rock. as a matter of fact it was who i saw during CID. haha. cheek's still trying to guess who it is/they are. haha. today was boring. boring boring boring. and im bored man. real bored. hah, i am totally crapping. okay, lets see what i can talk about, hmm yes! i thought of new poetry ideas man! aft exams im so gonna write more poems! haha. and, im pleased with my cheetah one that i wrote for lang arts(: GEE. haha, my goal! study hard tmrw man! okay not only tmrw. throughout the exam period! haha. sounds like im only gonna study thru that period. awww man, cheek's going offline. haha. wild thoughts are running past jieli's mind now. ahha, i shall post pictures later. lalalas. okay. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all your humans out there. run run run! and twin; no one misses you. it's just your vivid and wild imagination. haha! :] |
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hello hello hello. im really happy today man! 1) cheek liked her present and named it kite! (: 2) cheek and I made 4 goals TOGETHER! (actually it was 5 but th last one took* placed today for less than 5 mins) haha. 3) jieli and I have totally cool ideas on our SHI YE. 4) cheek replied her msges PROMPTLY for the FIRST TIME in a LONG time. 5) i saw claudia the hugger! (: (this is just to make the list longer haha) haha. yeah, i love the four goals man. haha. anyway, rewind back to friday! fri was a really interesting day mans. the weekend were boring with TONS AND MOUNTAINS of hw. anyway, FRIDAY in the morning, cheek ran my 2.4 km run with me although her ankle was hurting! thanks man. you should have gone to rest your ankle LIKE I TOLD YOU TO but thanks for running with me. and thanks HO CHING too! she ran with me the last round! because of you 2 SUPER IMPORTANT PEOPLE, hah. SIP, i got an A for my napfa run! yay. anyway, the day passed on as usual, then AFTER SCHOOL, NAPFA FIVE STATIONS. i totally sucked big time man. i got 2 'E's. that's how physically weak i am man. that's how physically weak i am. i totally like teared 5 times on friday. haha. actually twice was just felt like crying. another one was just my eyes felt watery but managed to hold back th tears from falling. the second one was actual drops rolling down my face. and the last one was at the NETBALL COURT when i was telling claudia and livia about it that i actually teared. haha. claudia is really a hugger man! haha. she was like telling me how she gives free hugs! haha. and of cus, i got 1 free hug! actually two. or maybe three. ahhaha. i forgot. then she was also trying to console me but then she was like 'aiya, i don't know how to console people la. i only know how to give free hugs!' haha. so cute right! ahah. THANKS HUGGER FOR ALL THE FREE HUGS AND FAILED ATTEMPTS OF CONSOLATION! ahah. I LOVE CLAUDIA! yipee. but mind you people, i didnt cry. crying over napfa would make me not only physically weak but yet also mentally weak. i mean crying doesn't make you any stronger. in face, it just makes you weaker. even weaker than you already are. but i teared becus of i dont know, sadness? that the whole netball team i think got GOLD and i been th stupid extra one tarnishing the whole image by getting a bronze? and that i may not get into the netball team becus i did not obtain a gold or AT LEAST a silver in my napfa. i dont know. those painful thoughts probably agitated the emotions department. ahah, sarah's way of the parental department. but whatever man, when you're in need of consolation, and what you get is painful thoughts, and words that just pierced right into your heart, you just crumbled down and cry. in this case, tear. oh, i sound so damn emo but that was totally how i felt on friday man. IM SO HAPPY I HAD CLAUDIA TO CONSOLE ME WITH HER HUGS MAN. or else i would still just be a crumbled tower waiting to strengthen its weak foundation from the thunderstorm that struck my down. i know it totally has no link or doesnt make any sense but haha, just some weird thoughts. cheek! maybe your poetic soul could help me?! and, after that, i went to CHEEKY CHOCOLATE and ATE crepe! ( th eating part is to make cheek hungry and drool!) haha. the name is totally dedicated to the cheek twins man! haha. cheeker cheeken. yay! ahhh! I LOVE CHEEKER! :] <3 okay, i gtg yo., BYE ALL YOU BIG EYEBALLS PEOPLE! (: and ps, twinnehs rock yo! they share your pain, sadness, sorrow and of course, HAPPINESS! and oh ya, FOOD too! :] |
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ooooohh, cheek's sleeping. so early mans. thought i could AT LEAST talk to her online for awhile since she's ALWAYS on the phone with SOME PEOPLE. then i called her house, tadah, she's asleep. oh craps man. and her present's like circulating around! hah. and i bet she'll be really really shocked when she sees her table tmrw. ahha. and TMRW IS MY NAPFA RUN AND 5 STATIONS. oh no man, i havent practised my SBJ, sit and reach and inclined pull-ups. i am SO GONNA FAIL. seriously. as in seriously fail. oh no. hais, anw, today, i dont know if i should say that chuan shui thingy was fun or embarrasing/humiliating but whatever, some things are just fated. but the talk with ms mak after history from like uh 2.20 to abt 3.15? was so so so fun! OH, I LOVE MS MAK! (i bet cheek's thinking there i go again with who i love etc etc) haha. to show my love, I LOVE CHEEK! :] hahah. :/( ms mak's zhao pai) haha. ahhh! she's such a cool devoted christian mans, how i wish i could be like her. and talking to her just now was so fun and interesting. haha. ahhh! MS MAK ROCKS! (: oh well, have to go, bye people. i feel stronger in all ways be it spiritually, mentally and physically. actually im feeling physically weak aft having doubts abt my pass for my SBJ, sit & reach and pull-ups, but oh well, i feel stronger both spiritually and mentally. and i think orange is a nice post colour(: |
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH GOH HUIXIAN! THE CHEEKER/TWIN. :DD and i hate to admit but, I AM SO JEALOUS of your PROFESSIONAL home studio! ahhhhhh! this is a super short post. byeee peeps. and this post is orange SPECIALLY for you you winker. :D |
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hello all you peeps out there, (: i shall post pictures today. and im talking to MADELINE now. haha. telling her how guai i am by doing my hw this MORNING. cus nomally i will feel really lethargic in the morning.. i mean who doesn't right? unless im one of those workaholics or in my case studyholics. ahah. im like advertising for 97. me, yanning, jieli! x] my pretty birthday cake! :] i bet twin's drooling now. haha. and yet again my choc banana birthday cake! look how thick it is mans.
anyways, gtg. byeeeeeeeeeeee people. and YELLOW IS HOT. so it poetry. i wrote another poem last night and it rhymed! well at least th first 4 lines. |
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eh yo people out there! :] i know my blog is really really really dead but oh well, here's a post. i have really no idea what to post abt becus i have really bad memory but oh well. i just finished my ACE LEARNING (: quite happy with my 87.5% but i expected myself to get 100% but AT LEAST, i got one rank higher than TAN YA NING. hahaha. maybe she's too BIG-SIZED press the wrong key like maybe wanna click B but click C instead. haha. okay that's so mean but oh well. let me fast forward back to wednesday, IUD MAN! okay. i was wearing this ridiculous NUN costume ( i bet MCNOSE'S laughing to herself right now) made by TAN YIHAO and its disgusting i tell yo. it's like the skirt is just this stupid garbage bag and he didnt even tape the sides la! mad right? den jieli keep on saying what 'like that sexy ma'. IRRITATING. den he made th skirt really long and it was way too small. as in the waist was like so so small maybe it's just that this GIANT over here is really really FAT but still cant make to small right? den i ripped the tape out and went back to class and taped it back. WITH MY FBTS on okay. NOT NAKED. haha. just a warning in case all you JKBS out there esp TRICIA KOK think weirdly. ahha. den that garbage bag ended up to be too small so jieli had me used another garbage bag and ended up having this weird skirt in the end. and while i was ambassardoring outside the class there was suddenly a hole. hais. what a pathetic costume. anyway, the hat is REALLY DISGUSTING too. i didnt wear it most of th time only when the judges came in. ahha. 1B won in the end and i think they really derserved it becus of their really nice stone structure and their notices are really nice too. but 1K still rocks and JOEL rocks way more man. he totally saved us with all his really nice photos and the translucent paper! ahhh! he rocks yo. and i think we did a really good job considering that it was a LAST MINUTE work on th actual day. and kenneth ONG is really cute in his pope costume! aft IUD, went to JEC with jieli, jiaxin and yanning. ahha. saw cheek and her gan qing ren. ahha. sitting in one tiny corner SECRETLY. so tou tou mo mo right? ahhah. i bet she'll be shaking me VIOLENTLY the day after she sees this post but oh well, he shakes are quite fun. ahha. i wanna try them. hehehe. haha, and i wanna treat her waffle but she said she'll return me th money but I DOUBT SO. ahha. but i dont mind treating her (: haha. later i'll upload photos i took of her MANE on thursday. oh ya, we watched a movie on ADOLF HITLER on thursday and it's really really nice man! our class is only interested in hitler as you can see becus normally during history lessons, we dont listen (; hehes. but lessons on hitler are really interesting man, haha. and the record breaking challenge was really fun. haha. the floor in which the people of the front part of the U SHAPE stood was like so wet laa. we're so not xi xin and SI WEN ppl. hahha. i know you people want me to admit im not SI WEN la! hurr! ohya, thanks yile, meradith, (i'll think of i nicer name then diffy and maaaa for you) and kirsten for the souvenirs! i wear meradith's bracelet almost everyday! and cheek! go watch THE PERFECT MAN! im preparing to give you another disc, provided it's not at VALERIE'S house. and gilda! the photo would be way nicer if you're in it FULLSTOP. hhahaha. and tmrw! mp's training man! FINALLY no more drills. and jumping jacks! we did like 150 of them on friday. :]] but, ms puva is so so so so gonna kill me for my pangsai shots man. okay. till here all you people out there. ohya. CIAO is an italian word cheek. ahhah. just added info. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! |
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dont walk ahead of me, dont walk behind me, take my hand and walk along with me. ITS IN YELLOW. THE SUPER UBER HOT COLOUR! x] and super duper clean too! eh hello. twinnehs rock yo! yay, 4 goals TOGETHER. t-love. haha. ahhhh! midyears coming man. how? i havent started revising and im still on com blogging. ahah, but everyone needs a break right? haha, zi wo an wei. haha. then jieli and yile will say i checked the dictionary to find the word. haha. not lor! my chinese is BAD but it isn't THAT BAD okay. hurrrr! shen me yi si ma! haha. anyway, today CID rocked man. haha, CID didn't actually rock. as a matter of fact it was who i saw during CID. haha. cheek's still trying to guess who it is/they are. haha. today was boring. boring boring boring. and im bored man. real bored. hah, i am totally crapping. okay, lets see what i can talk about, hmm yes! i thought of new poetry ideas man! aft exams im so gonna write more poems! haha. and, im pleased with my cheetah one that i wrote for lang arts(: GEE. haha, my goal! study hard tmrw man! okay not only tmrw. throughout the exam period! haha. sounds like im only gonna study thru that period. awww man, cheek's going offline. haha. wild thoughts are running past jieli's mind now. ahha, i shall post pictures later. lalalas. okay. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all your humans out there. run run run! and twin; no one misses you. it's just your vivid and wild imagination. haha! :] |
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hello hello hello. im really happy today man! 1) cheek liked her present and named it kite! (: 2) cheek and I made 4 goals TOGETHER! (actually it was 5 but th last one took* placed today for less than 5 mins) haha. 3) jieli and I have totally cool ideas on our SHI YE. 4) cheek replied her msges PROMPTLY for the FIRST TIME in a LONG time. 5) i saw claudia the hugger! (: (this is just to make the list longer haha) haha. yeah, i love the four goals man. haha. anyway, rewind back to friday! fri was a really interesting day mans. the weekend were boring with TONS AND MOUNTAINS of hw. anyway, FRIDAY in the morning, cheek ran my 2.4 km run with me although her ankle was hurting! thanks man. you should have gone to rest your ankle LIKE I TOLD YOU TO but thanks for running with me. and thanks HO CHING too! she ran with me the last round! because of you 2 SUPER IMPORTANT PEOPLE, hah. SIP, i got an A for my napfa run! yay. anyway, the day passed on as usual, then AFTER SCHOOL, NAPFA FIVE STATIONS. i totally sucked big time man. i got 2 'E's. that's how physically weak i am man. that's how physically weak i am. i totally like teared 5 times on friday. haha. actually twice was just felt like crying. another one was just my eyes felt watery but managed to hold back th tears from falling. the second one was actual drops rolling down my face. and the last one was at the NETBALL COURT when i was telling claudia and livia about it that i actually teared. haha. claudia is really a hugger man! haha. she was like telling me how she gives free hugs! haha. and of cus, i got 1 free hug! actually two. or maybe three. ahhaha. i forgot. then she was also trying to console me but then she was like 'aiya, i don't know how to console people la. i only know how to give free hugs!' haha. so cute right! ahah. THANKS HUGGER FOR ALL THE FREE HUGS AND FAILED ATTEMPTS OF CONSOLATION! ahah. I LOVE CLAUDIA! yipee. but mind you people, i didnt cry. crying over napfa would make me not only physically weak but yet also mentally weak. i mean crying doesn't make you any stronger. in face, it just makes you weaker. even weaker than you already are. but i teared becus of i dont know, sadness? that the whole netball team i think got GOLD and i been th stupid extra one tarnishing the whole image by getting a bronze? and that i may not get into the netball team becus i did not obtain a gold or AT LEAST a silver in my napfa. i dont know. those painful thoughts probably agitated the emotions department. ahah, sarah's way of the parental department. but whatever man, when you're in need of consolation, and what you get is painful thoughts, and words that just pierced right into your heart, you just crumbled down and cry. in this case, tear. oh, i sound so damn emo but that was totally how i felt on friday man. IM SO HAPPY I HAD CLAUDIA TO CONSOLE ME WITH HER HUGS MAN. or else i would still just be a crumbled tower waiting to strengthen its weak foundation from the thunderstorm that struck my down. i know it totally has no link or doesnt make any sense but haha, just some weird thoughts. cheek! maybe your poetic soul could help me?! and, after that, i went to CHEEKY CHOCOLATE and ATE crepe! ( th eating part is to make cheek hungry and drool!) haha. the name is totally dedicated to the cheek twins man! haha. cheeker cheeken. yay! ahhh! I LOVE CHEEKER! :] <3 okay, i gtg yo., BYE ALL YOU BIG EYEBALLS PEOPLE! (: and ps, twinnehs rock yo! they share your pain, sadness, sorrow and of course, HAPPINESS! and oh ya, FOOD too! :] |
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ooooohh, cheek's sleeping. so early mans. thought i could AT LEAST talk to her online for awhile since she's ALWAYS on the phone with SOME PEOPLE. then i called her house, tadah, she's asleep. oh craps man. and her present's like circulating around! hah. and i bet she'll be really really shocked when she sees her table tmrw. ahha. and TMRW IS MY NAPFA RUN AND 5 STATIONS. oh no man, i havent practised my SBJ, sit and reach and inclined pull-ups. i am SO GONNA FAIL. seriously. as in seriously fail. oh no. hais, anw, today, i dont know if i should say that chuan shui thingy was fun or embarrasing/humiliating but whatever, some things are just fated. but the talk with ms mak after history from like uh 2.20 to abt 3.15? was so so so fun! OH, I LOVE MS MAK! (i bet cheek's thinking there i go again with who i love etc etc) haha. to show my love, I LOVE CHEEK! :] hahah. :/( ms mak's zhao pai) haha. ahhh! she's such a cool devoted christian mans, how i wish i could be like her. and talking to her just now was so fun and interesting. haha. ahhh! MS MAK ROCKS! (: oh well, have to go, bye people. i feel stronger in all ways be it spiritually, mentally and physically. actually im feeling physically weak aft having doubts abt my pass for my SBJ, sit & reach and pull-ups, but oh well, i feel stronger both spiritually and mentally. and i think orange is a nice post colour(: |
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH GOH HUIXIAN! THE CHEEKER/TWIN. :DD and i hate to admit but, I AM SO JEALOUS of your PROFESSIONAL home studio! ahhhhhh! this is a super short post. byeee peeps. and this post is orange SPECIALLY for you you winker. :D |
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hello all you peeps out there, (: i shall post pictures today. and im talking to MADELINE now. haha. telling her how guai i am by doing my hw this MORNING. cus nomally i will feel really lethargic in the morning.. i mean who doesn't right? unless im one of those workaholics or in my case studyholics. ahah. im like advertising for 97. me, yanning, jieli! x] my pretty birthday cake! :] i bet twin's drooling now. haha. and yet again my choc banana birthday cake! look how thick it is mans.
anyways, gtg. byeeeeeeeeeeee people. and YELLOW IS HOT. so it poetry. i wrote another poem last night and it rhymed! well at least th first 4 lines. |
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eh yo people out there! :] i know my blog is really really really dead but oh well, here's a post. i have really no idea what to post abt becus i have really bad memory but oh well. i just finished my ACE LEARNING (: quite happy with my 87.5% but i expected myself to get 100% but AT LEAST, i got one rank higher than TAN YA NING. hahaha. maybe she's too BIG-SIZED press the wrong key like maybe wanna click B but click C instead. haha. okay that's so mean but oh well. let me fast forward back to wednesday, IUD MAN! okay. i was wearing this ridiculous NUN costume ( i bet MCNOSE'S laughing to herself right now) made by TAN YIHAO and its disgusting i tell yo. it's like the skirt is just this stupid garbage bag and he didnt even tape the sides la! mad right? den jieli keep on saying what 'like that sexy ma'. IRRITATING. den he made th skirt really long and it was way too small. as in the waist was like so so small maybe it's just that this GIANT over here is really really FAT but still cant make to small right? den i ripped the tape out and went back to class and taped it back. WITH MY FBTS on okay. NOT NAKED. haha. just a warning in case all you JKBS out there esp TRICIA KOK think weirdly. ahha. den that garbage bag ended up to be too small so jieli had me used another garbage bag and ended up having this weird skirt in the end. and while i was ambassardoring outside the class there was suddenly a hole. hais. what a pathetic costume. anyway, the hat is REALLY DISGUSTING too. i didnt wear it most of th time only when the judges came in. ahha. 1B won in the end and i think they really derserved it becus of their really nice stone structure and their notices are really nice too. but 1K still rocks and JOEL rocks way more man. he totally saved us with all his really nice photos and the translucent paper! ahhh! he rocks yo. and i think we did a really good job considering that it was a LAST MINUTE work on th actual day. and kenneth ONG is really cute in his pope costume! aft IUD, went to JEC with jieli, jiaxin and yanning. ahha. saw cheek and her gan qing ren. ahha. sitting in one tiny corner SECRETLY. so tou tou mo mo right? ahhah. i bet she'll be shaking me VIOLENTLY the day after she sees this post but oh well, he shakes are quite fun. ahha. i wanna try them. hehehe. haha, and i wanna treat her waffle but she said she'll return me th money but I DOUBT SO. ahha. but i dont mind treating her (: haha. later i'll upload photos i took of her MANE on thursday. oh ya, we watched a movie on ADOLF HITLER on thursday and it's really really nice man! our class is only interested in hitler as you can see becus normally during history lessons, we dont listen (; hehes. but lessons on hitler are really interesting man, haha. and the record breaking challenge was really fun. haha. the floor in which the people of the front part of the U SHAPE stood was like so wet laa. we're so not xi xin and SI WEN ppl. hahha. i know you people want me to admit im not SI WEN la! hurr! ohya, thanks yile, meradith, (i'll think of i nicer name then diffy and maaaa for you) and kirsten for the souvenirs! i wear meradith's bracelet almost everyday! and cheek! go watch THE PERFECT MAN! im preparing to give you another disc, provided it's not at VALERIE'S house. and gilda! the photo would be way nicer if you're in it FULLSTOP. hhahaha. and tmrw! mp's training man! FINALLY no more drills. and jumping jacks! we did like 150 of them on friday. :]] but, ms puva is so so so so gonna kill me for my pangsai shots man. okay. till here all you people out there. ohya. CIAO is an italian word cheek. ahhah. just added info. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! |